Cookie Policy

How are BAĞAÇ MODA Cookies Used?

BAĞAÇ MODA cookies;

It is used to remember your preferences and personalize your use of the website/mobile application/mobile site. This usage:

It includes cookies that record your password and ensure that your website/mobile application/mobile site session remains open at all times, thus saving you from the trouble of entering your password more than once on each visit, and cookies that remember and recognize you on your subsequent visits to the website/mobile application/mobile site.

Including determining how you use the website/mobile application/mobile site, such as where and from which devices you connect to the electronic commerce platforms operated by BAĞAÇ MODA , what content you view on the website/mobile application/mobile site, and the duration of your visit; uses it to determine how you use the website/mobile application/mobile site.

It uses it to present content and advertisements more suitable to your interests and you, in other words, for targeted advertising/promotion purposes. BAĞAÇ MODA matches the information obtained through cookies with your other personal data; It offers you more suitable content, personalized campaigns and products, and does not offer content or opportunities that you have previously stated that you do not want.

How does BAĞAÇ MODA use third-party cookies for advertising and retargeting?

BAĞAÇ MODA cookies also; may use search engines to activate "advertising technology" to present you advertisements that it thinks may be of interest to you when you visit the website, mobile application or mobile site of the electronic commerce platforms operated by BAĞAÇ MODA and/or the websites where BAĞAÇ MODA advertises. Advertising technology uses information about your previous visits to the website/mobile application/mobile site and the websites/mobile/mobile site applications where BAĞAÇ MODA advertises in order to offer you special advertisements. While presenting these advertisements, a unique third-party cookie may be placed in your browser so that BAĞAÇ MODA can recognize you.

In addition, your e-mail address from your personal data is shared with these platforms in order to present advertisements that may be of interest to you on social media platforms and to create a special target audience. Your e-mail address is transmitted through secure channels and environments offered by these platforms. Social media platforms hash your e-mail address and use it only for the matching process. Your email address is not shared with third parties or other advertisers and is deleted from social media platforms' systems as soon as possible after the matching process is completed.

Cookie Management

Depending on your internet browser type, you can obtain information about cookies and exercise your right to allow or reject them by following the steps below:

Google Chrome: You can allow or block cookies from the "Cookie" tab by clicking the "lock sign" or the letter "i" in the "address section" of your browser.

Internet Explorer: Click the "Security" tab in the "Tool" or "Tools" Section in the upper right corner of your browser and manage your cookies by selecting "allow" or "don't allow".

Mozilla Firefox: Click the “open menu” tab in the upper right corner of your browser. Manage your cookies by clicking on the "Options" image and using the "Privacy and Security" button.

For other browsers (such as Opera, Microsoft Edge), you can review the help or support pages of the relevant browser.

Safari: You can select the "safari" tab from the "Settings" section of your phone and manage all your cookies from the "Privacy and Security" section.

If you reject persistent cookies or session cookies, you can continue to use the website, mobile application and mobile site, but you may not be able to access all functions of the website, mobile application and mobile site, or your access may be limited. This situation may vary in the mobile application.

Cookie Types

According to the purpose of use on the website, mobile application and mobile site of the electronic commerce platforms operated by BAĞAÇ MODA ; The cookies listed in the table below are used. BAĞAÇ MODA uses these cookies; It conducts statistical studies to determine spending habits such as average spending amount, age, gender, shopping categories, mobile usage rate, by determining the characteristics that distinguish its members from each other, dividing the Members into large groups in order to make campaigns and advertisements in line with their preferences and tastes.

Session Cookie

It aims to enable the user to log in to the system using their user information, make purchases with their own information, and transfer information between various pages.

Analytics Cookies

This cookie is kept to match the information of the pages visited by the user. The data held here is later used to improve the user experience of the site and to eliminate any technical glitches that may arise.

Anonymous User Identification Cookies

This information is used to store the language and country selected by the user and to recognize the user on subsequent visits and automatically display the content according to the language and country he/she has previously selected.

Ads and Third Party Cookies

These cookies are used to identify anonymous user information used by the website's advertisers and suppliers.

Purposes of use of these cookies; To remember your visiting preferences, to show relevant and personalized ads and to limit the number of ads, to measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.